The Lavender Trusteez

Welcome Friend

We are the children of the Lavender, he speaks and we interpret

He is rizzen campaign logo

If you have come here, you will be saved

Children of the lavender fields, children of the unknowing, children yet to sprout. We are no religion, we violate no clause. We do not aim to steal you away or ensorcell you. We have recieved messages from He above us, He who has saved, He who has informed. He will soon do the same for you. This election cycle we will fill our duty to the people, we aim to tear down the old world and plant seeds for the new. With your aid those seeds will germinate and spread, filling empty souls and fields with beautiful flora.

Large industries of lies have been built in both the pyhsical and mental planes of reality. These facitious factories farm your soul for power. You no longer have to feed the machine, there is another way. He is the way. By knowing He is among us and reciving his words you will seperate yourself from the oil rigs of despair. By seating him in the eagle winged chair we can spread his teachings and begin the rebirth of ameirca. When america is reborn, flourshing and propering, we will purify the waters of our neighbors.

SHARE this webpage- SPREAD his WORD

We are here to SAVE

Our Goals:

  • Public health care policy
  • Free the minds of the unknowing
  • Restrict communist soybean importation
  • Regulate BIG CORN