The Lavender Trusteez

Welcome Friend

What are we?

Why should you trust us? What is there to gain?

We are the Corelated Union of Lavender Trusteez, we have come to save the united states of ameirca. Are you pleased with your government? Is that man hiding away in his white castle to be trusted? If it makes worry, we are here to comfort. We have recieved messages from Him and we know what ailes society. He is the cure and we will nurse society back to health.

You may as why He himself cannot sit upon the eagle winged chair, but our visonary will sit in for our astral father, He speaks through the visinary and will do as he proclaims. He will save.

Americans and many others are posioned by various corn products. Corn syrup, corn flour, corn starch, it foggs to mind and clouds the judgement. We will regulate this poisonous industry to its end, bogging the system down just as it has ruined us. Instead, replace the function corn provided with dates, a fiberous alternative

China has attempted to ruin americans time and time again, we will protect you. With our election we will secure the border with a cheap and natural solution, epsom salt, and forbid the importation of chinese soybean and adjecnet products. Those who lack the enzymes to process milk can enjoy all american soy milk. We do however advocate for forgein connections, as spreading the word of his greatness and forming allyship shall prevent war.

Slumber is a vital part to human function. Lavender is a wonderful sleep aid, and as such, we will promote the proposal and soon passing of an amendment all who live will need. We promote a designated time for slumber on the day for rest, all can enjoy rest under the guidence of He

To purify the body we promote a public health care innitiative, transportation to such clinics, and counsiling to the despair addled. No member may be left behind in the quest to free the soul from the grips of a currupt system.

The people will know best under his guidence, they will run businesses and create bonds all under his hand. The present electoral college aims to distance the knowing from the goverment that claims to serve them. We will cage this beast and put government actions in your hands.

We are here to SAVE

Follow us on instagram @20_cult_24

Vote for us! Vote for Him!

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